Fethard Town Park nomination for Pride of Place Awards 2023
Fethard Town Park has been nominated by Tipperary County Council to represent Tipperary in the 2023 All-Ireland Pride of Place Awards. Nominated in the Community Wellbeing Initiative category, Pride of Place is an all-island competition that recognises improvements made by local communities to create civic pride in their area. The initiative is co-ordinated by Co-Operation Ireland, Irish Public Bodies and Local Authorities.
We were delighted to recently welcome Pride of Place judges, Eddie Sheehy and John Briggs to Fethard Town Park to showcase the development to date and future plans in motion. In addition to meeting the team at Fethard Town Park, the judges also got the opportunity to meet with the wider community members within Fethard Town Park including the Irish Wheelchair Association, Fethard Men’s Shed, Tipperary Ladies Football, Tailormade Fitness and general park users.
Thank you to Tipperary County Council and Angela Sheehan for all the support and coordination on the day. The National Pride of Place winners which will be announced at an Awards Ceremony in Armagh on November 10th.